About Me

My name is Marcus Evans, I’m a young and inspired photographer from Coatesville, PA with a passion and a focus on nature photography. My company Solo View is the creation of my artistic outlook and perception of my travels. What once started as a hobby has emerged into a profession. With the fortunate opportunities I have had with traveling, at a young age I was able to develop my skills and discover my passion for work behind the camera. As a college student, the balance of my photography passions and my everyday life often collide. Thinking outside the box is my only option. My perspective as a “self-taught photographer” helps me build my unique eye in the world of still photography. For me, it's about taking that extra step and pushing the creative boundaries with my work. One day I plan to be included with the very best photographers. My dream is to have iconic photography pieces and have my work shared and recognized worldwide. With this, I bring to you the perspective of a solo photographer.